What is a Brass Knuckle Knife Used For?

Brass knuckle knife is a combination of a knuckle duster and a blade. It was formerly known as a trench knife. It has a great history behind it. It was first constructed during World War I. 

It was used during the First World War as a primary fighting knife. The US soldiers fighting in the trenches used this knife to battle their opponents. 

It proved to be a handy knife to fight their enemies. It was also used as a secondary fighting knife during the Second World War. 

Today, it is a knife used for several different purposes. So, let’s explore the uses of a brass knuckle knife:

Self Defense

Brass knuckle knife is used as a self defense weapon quite commonly these days. It is wearable and can be used to battle against the attackers. 

You can just wear it around the knuckles and use it to fight the attackers. The advantage of this weapon is that you can use two things to your advantage. 

One is the knuckle duster that you can use to punch the attacker in his face. A couple of punches can knock the attacker down. 

Then, you can use the blade to inflict long term injuries and deep wounds.  So, it is excellent to serve your survival. 


Brass knuckle knife is a combat knife. This was the actual purpose of designing this knife. It was designed during the First World War as a real combat knife. 

It was created by the manufacturers for the US soldiers fighting in the trenches. It proved to be a magnificent fighting knife for the US soldiers. 


Since a brass knuckle knife is a replica of a trench knife, it is used as a cosplay weapon.

The cosplayers often need to replicate the US soldiers from the First World War. For this purpose, they can use this knife for cosplay!

Read Also: 5 Reasons Why I Use Taser Gun for Self Defense

Published by rileyderrick


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