5 Reasons Collapsible Baton is Your Preferred Self Defense Weapon

collapsible baton

A collapsible baton refers to a type of baton that has an alterable length. You must be familiar with the term police baton, if not this baton. 

This an iconic police weapon that the law enforcement use for crowd control and beating the criminals. This is actually a weapon that was not popular among the general public, However, today this weapon is often used for self defense. 

Would you prefer using it to deal with the attackers? Following are the five reasons why you should use a collapsible baton to battle the attackers!

1. Lethal

A collapsible baton is made of wood or steel, hence expect it to be extremely lethal. It possessed serious strength and can cause serious injuries to the attackers. All you have to do is swing it with full force and you will beat the hell out of the attacker. A couple of blows will injure him seriously. 

2. The Size Can be Altered

The advantage with the collapsible baton is that it has an alterable size. As per your requirement, you can change the size of this weapon. If you want to attack him from a distance, increase the size. If the attacker is nearer, reduce the size of it. 

3. Greater Reach

Another great advantage with the collapsible baton is that it offers a greater reach. You can stay away from the attacker and still do the damage. No need to take dangerous steps towards the attackers. Stay at a safe distance, increase the size of your baton and swing it hard to injure the attacker.

4. Reduced Sizes Makes it Easier to Carry

Generally, a baton is difficult to carry with its giant size. However, when you alter the size of the  baton, you can carry it quite easily. This makes it a smaller stick that you can even carry in your pocket. This is a lighter in weight weapon, and hence, easier to carry.

5. Effective!

A collapsible baton is an extremely effective weapon for self defense considering all the factors. With all those factors considered, the baton becomes a preferred choice for self defense. It is lethal and can cause serious injuries to the attacker to serve your survival.

Read Also: 4 Best Survival Knives in 2020

Published by rileyderrick


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