Top 7 Self Defense Knives in 2020

Knives are the most commonly used weapons for self defense in 2020. In fact, there are self defense knives that are designed for this particular purpose. 

There is a great range of knives, but all of them are not great for self defense. However, there are a few knives that have the features to make them excellent knives for self defense. Following are the best self defense knives in 2020:

1. Brass Knuckle Knife

Brass knuckle knife is by far the best self defense knife. In fact, it is a weapon different from knives. It is a knife that contains brass knuckles. This enables you to use two weapons for your defense. You can use the knuckles to punch the attacker in the face. In addition, you can use the blade to inflict severe injuries. 

2. Lipstick Knife

A lipstick knife is a hidden blade knife used for self defense. It looks like a real lipstick while there is a blade concealed inside it. Instead of lipstick, there is a blade concealed in it. On twisting the tube, you can open the blade and use it for self defense. 

3. Comb Knife

Comb knife is another hidden blade and another useful self defense knife. It is shaped like a real comb and can be used for combing your hair. However, there is a concealed blade that can also be used for self defense. In fact, there is a sharp blade that can cause serious injuries. 

4. Pen Knife

A pen knife is another hidden blade for self defense. This looks like a real pen and a blade is concealed inside it. You can remove the cover to reveal the blade and use it to battle the attackers. Also, you can use it for writing. 

5. Belt Buckle Knife

This is another hidden blade knife but this time around, a blade is concealed inside the buckle. There is a small blade concealed inside the buckle that you can use to deal with the attackers. It can be attached to any of your belts as well. 

6. Italian Stiletto Knife

An Italian stiletto knife is a great combat knife and in the modern days, it is being used for self defense. It has a sharp point on the blade that allows it to penetrate deeply into the body and cause deep wounds. This makes it an ideal knife for defense. 

7. Folding Knife

Folding knife is a great self defense knife though it is usually considered a utility knife. It has a folding blade that can be folded inside the handle. This makes it quite easy to carry and allows you to defend yourself with a perfect blade. So, these are the knives you can use for self defense in 2020.

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Published by rileyderrick


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