Why Are Women Encouraged to Carry a Pepper Spray?

Almost everyone is familiar with pepper spray these days. You can easily find that weapon in the market. Once it was used as a weapon against dogs. It was known as a dog repellent since it could assist in repelling violent dogs.  Today, it is popular as an emergency weapon and a self defense weaponContinue reading “Why Are Women Encouraged to Carry a Pepper Spray?”

5 Small & Non Lethal Self Defense Weapons to Survive

Self defense weapons have gained a lot of importance and popularity in recent times because the demand and need of these weapons have risen. Attackers have started attacking people very often and to avoid those attacks, they need to carry certain weapons.  In 2020, there are self defense weapons available in the market in greatContinue reading “5 Small & Non Lethal Self Defense Weapons to Survive”

5 Most Interesting Self Defense Stun Guns

Stun guns are considered the finest self defense weapons in 2020. These are electroshock weapons that come in several different shapes and designs, and all those designs are ideal. In fact, a few of those designs are very interesting.  Today, I have come up with a list of those interesting designs. There are many designsContinue reading “5 Most Interesting Self Defense Stun Guns”

Nunchucks – What You Need to Know as a User!

Nunchcuks are popular tools these days used for several different purposes. Made of wood, they serve well in self defense, martial arts and combat. There are basically two wooden sticks that are connected using a rope or chain.  A great history is behind these tools or weapons. Today, I have come up with a briefContinue reading “Nunchucks – What You Need to Know as a User!”

Top 7 Self Defense Knives in 2020

Knives are the most commonly used weapons for self defense in 2020. In fact, there are self defense knives that are designed for this particular purpose.  There is a great range of knives, but all of them are not great for self defense. However, there are a few knives that have the features to makeContinue reading “Top 7 Self Defense Knives in 2020”

5 Reasons Collapsible Baton is Your Preferred Self Defense Weapon

A collapsible baton refers to a type of baton that has an alterable length. You must be familiar with the term police baton, if not this baton.  This an iconic police weapon that the law enforcement use for crowd control and beating the criminals. This is actually a weapon that was not popular among theContinue reading “5 Reasons Collapsible Baton is Your Preferred Self Defense Weapon”

What is a Brass Knuckle Knife Used For?

Brass knuckle knife is a combination of a knuckle duster and a blade. It was formerly known as a trench knife. It has a great history behind it. It was first constructed during World War I.  It was used during the First World War as a primary fighting knife. The US soldiers fighting in theContinue reading “What is a Brass Knuckle Knife Used For?”

What are the Incredible Stories Behind Nunchucks?

Nunchucks or nunchaku are very popular martial arts weapons. Generally, a nunchaku is a weapon made of two wooden sticks connected with a chain or a rope.  There are a few interesting stories associated with the nunchucks. I am here to explain all those incredible stories. So, let’s explore those stories.  Okinawa – The BirthplaceContinue reading “What are the Incredible Stories Behind Nunchucks?”

5 Self Defense Knives to Protect You from Attackers

To defend against the attackers these days, you need some solid and smart weapons. You are not permitted to carry guns and firearms. So, you need to have self defense knives to protect yourself from these attackers.  Knives are not something new. They have been used over the years for self defense. In fact, thereContinue reading “5 Self Defense Knives to Protect You from Attackers”

What is a Taser Used For?

Taser is an important weapon used for self defense these days. It has become extremely popular in America as a weapon to deal with the attackers.  It is a small sized device which delivers an electrical shock. Why are people preferring it over other weapons. There are some interesting things you need to know aboutContinue reading “What is a Taser Used For?”

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