Top 7 Self Defense Knives in 2020

Knives are the most commonly used weapons for self defense in 2020. In fact, there are self defense knives that are designed for this particular purpose.  There is a great range of knives, but all of them are not great for self defense. However, there are a few knives that have the features to makeContinue reading “Top 7 Self Defense Knives in 2020”

What is a Brass Knuckle Knife Used For?

Brass knuckle knife is a combination of a knuckle duster and a blade. It was formerly known as a trench knife. It has a great history behind it. It was first constructed during World War I.  It was used during the First World War as a primary fighting knife. The US soldiers fighting in theContinue reading “What is a Brass Knuckle Knife Used For?”

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